St. alphonsa syro-malabar catholic church


Safe Environment

USCCB mandates Churches, schools, and youth organizations must ensure that children and youth who worship, study, or participate in activities sponsored by a parish can do so in the safest and most secure setting possible. Parents and caretakers have the right to ask these institutions if they meet the requirements of the Charter before they allow their children to become involved with them.

An effective safe environment program will have the following components:

A code of conduct for clergy and for any other paid personnel and volunteers in positions of trust who have regular contact with children and young people.
Training for all adults who work with children that consists of:

- Signs an adult may see in a child who is abused
- Signs an adult may see in a person who abuses children
- What actions an adult should take when they believe child abuse of any kind may be occurring
- Background check for clergy and for any other paid personnel and volunteers in positions of trust who have regular contact with children and young people
- A training program for children that includes age appropriate materials pertaining to personal safety that conforms to Catholic teachings
- A Safe Environment awareness program for all church members

St. Alphonsa Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, we implements Safe Environment program as mandated by USCCB & St. Thomas Syro-Malabar Catholic Diocese of Chicago Child Safety program. All parish members are required to follow & practice the Safe Environment program guidelines. Please refer to Your Role in Creating Safe Environments

All parish volunteers must complete the following requirements:

Code of Conduct Acknowledgement
Volunteer Application

Protecting God’s Children for Adults training
Background check

As part of St. Alphonsa Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, Safe Environment program, all CCD students will be provided Teaching Safety – Empowering God’s Children training. If you DO NOT WANT your children to receive Safe Environment instructions, please fill out the Training Decline Form For Parents and return it to the CCD office.

Safe Environment Training DECLINE Form

Contact the Diocese Safe Environment Team
For questions and concerns, please contact Syro Compliance Team at

Learn More …
Safe Environment Program and Guidelines
Your Role in Creating Safe Environments
Keeping the Promise Alive
Code of Conduct
Social Media Policy
